we make music touchAble

touch the music and create something magical

About Us


Situated at Berlin, Germany, we work passionately since 2009 to make music touchable, to give you the freedom to create.

Musicians ourself, we yearned to free ourselfs from our workstations.

So, consequently, wie tied ourselves to our codecrunching workstations to create apps to set YOU free …

Now, with our apps, you can just use your tablet or phone to command all of your equipment in the studio or on stage.

Gone are the days of you being chained to your DAW
– our apps will set you free …


News from
the engine room

Our apps in the press


From the Audiob.us forum about Studiomux

“I’m delighted to report it’s exactly what I need and it is working fantastically…The control panel for routing seems very straightforward and logical.”

AppStore review for Studiomux

“Studiomux is an amazing app that allows you to integrate your iOS music apps seamlessly into your desktop DAW. The audio routing is flexible and low latency. Being able to use hardware controllers to sequence iOS apps is a game changer.”

Musicradar.com about Audiomux and Midimux

Audiomux and Midimux allow audio and MIDI data respectively to be transferred between an iOS device and a DAW by creating virtual ports (Audiomux requires Audiobus to work too.)

This might not sound so sexy on paper, but it really unlocks the potential of all those great iOS-based synths and effects processors, effectively allowing them to be used just like plug-ins in your DAW.

DJLAB.de on touchAble Pro

Wer ein iPad, Android-Tablet oder Windows 10-Rechner mit Touchscreen besitzt und Live-User ist, muss einen Blick auf diese App werfen. Da machen selbst Besitzer von Push große Augen.

AppStore review for Studiomux

“This app is a must-have for anyone wanting to incorporate their iOS music apps into a desktop workflow. It just works and makes your iPad/iPhone feel like an extension of your DAW.”

Audionewsroom.net on touchAble Pro

ZeroDebug have coded several tools that make using touchscreens as command tools for making music extremely useful. One of their software; touchAble, has been around for a loooong time in tech years: almost a decade. So we can call it venerable. Zerodebug are aware of the creakiness, and have accordingly released a spangling new version, called touchAble Pro, taking the concepts and application of Touchable to a whole new level. They’ve plumbed the depths of Ableton’s source code, and come up with a multi-platform software (for iOS, Android and Windows) that controls a remarkable amount of Ableton Live.

Engadget on Studiomux

“Studiomux works flawlessly with Ableton 12, didn’t notice any latency, as if you’d control a plugin within an iPad DAW.”

touchAble Pro

use your tablet or your phone to control Ableton Live with your fingertips, effortless, at home, in the studio, during a live gig …


let your studio talk to your iOS Devices via cable


your iPad is all you need:
Soda is here to refresh
the way you DJ!